丹尼尔·J. DelPriore, Ph.D.

Danielle DelPriore
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Smith Building, C123C

Dr. DelPriore joined Penn State 阿尔图纳 as a faculty member in 2018. Her recent research has focused on understanding the effects of fathers on daughters’ sexual behavior and risk taking. Dr. DelPriore is interested in the ways that early childhood environments, particularly experiences within the family, shape adolescent and adult development, decision-making, 和行为. Her work is guided by the assumption that variation in human development and related outcomes can be understood as functional (providing some potential benefit) within those contexts. Her research uses natural and randomized experimental designs to test these hypotheses. In addition to her work on fathers and daughters, Dr. DelPriore is interested in investigating: 1. the effects of fathers on sons’ aggression and motivation; 2. the effects of early adversity on skill development among youth; and 3. the effects of family contexts and other environmental factors on health-risk behaviors, including unhealthy eating and substance use. Dr. DelPriore also teaches Introductory Psychology, Introduction to Developmental Psychology, Evolutionary Psychology, and Biosocial Development. She encourages interested students to contact her regarding available research opportunities.

DelPriore, D. J., Schlomer, G. L., & 埃利斯,B. J. (2017). Impact of fathers on parental monitoring of daughters and their affiliation with sexually promiscuous peers: A genetically and environmentally controlled sibling study. Developmental Psychology, 53, 1330-1343. doi: 10.1037/dev0000327

DelPriore, D. J., Proffitt Leyva, R. P.埃利斯,B. J., & 山,年代. E. (2018). The effects of paternal disengagement on women’s perceptions of male mating intent. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114(2), 286-302. doi: 10.1037/pspi0000113

山,年代. E., Prokosch, M. L., & DelPriore, D. J., Griskevicius, V., & 克莱默,. (2016). Low childhood socioeconomic status promotes eating in the absence of energy need. Psychological Science, 27, 354-364.

山,年代. E., DelPriore, D. J., Rodeheffer, C. D., & Butterfield, M. E. (2014). The effect of ecological harshness on perceptions of the ideal female body size: An experimental life history approach. Evolution and Human Behavior, 35, 148-154.

DelPriore, D. J., & 山,年代. E. (2013). The effects of paternal disengagement on women’s sexual decision making: An experimental approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 105, 234-246.

Ph D, Experimental Psychology, Texas Christian University

MS, Experimental Psychology, Texas Christian University

BA, Psychology, St. John's University