
Penn State Athletics Symbol
Credit: Penn State

NORTH BOSTON, N.Y. 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳男子网球学生运动员安德鲁·克里斯特被选为阿勒格尼山大学会议年度最佳新人和年度最佳合作球员, 而主教练梅根·斯特恩被选为年度最佳教练, 突出了8位获得联盟季后赛奖项的狮子队, which were released on Tuesday, April 23.

In addition to those three individual awards, 七名不同的狮子队球员在九个不同的位置上获得了全联盟的荣誉. Chronister, Casey Hess of Annville, Nick Beard of Manns Choice, Kadyn Carey of Altoona, Wilhelm Grot of Tyrone, 里奇菲尔德的埃米特·希布斯在各种阵容中被选为amcc最佳阵容的第一阵容, while Jackson Newell of Leechburg, Chronister, Hess, and Hibbs also received second-team honors.

Chronister voted Newcomer of the Year, co-Player of the Year

编年史特在2023-24赛季为狮队打造了一个历史性的赛季. 他创造了十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳男子网球单赛季的总单打胜利(15场)和双打胜利(14场)的记录。, 单打15胜1负,双打14胜1负. Chronister在AMCC单打和双打比赛中都取得了5胜1负的战绩. 除了被评为联盟最佳一年级球员之外, 他与十大网投平台信誉排行榜贝伦德分校大三学生乔纳森·莱尔共同获得了AMCC年度最佳球员的称号.

Stern chosen as AMCC Coach of the Year

Stern, 刚刚结束了她作为十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳男子网球主教练的第六个赛季, 在她的职业生涯中第二次被同龄人选为联盟年度最佳教练. 在2023-24赛季,她带领雄狮队取得了11胜5负的总战绩, 包括在AMCC的5胜1负的成绩,让她的球队在季后赛中排名第二. 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校连续第二年获得AMCC亚军, 在上周日的联赛冠军争夺战中以一分之差输给了冠军贝伦德. 斯特恩帮助雄狮队在背靠背赛季取得了两位数的总胜率,这是该项目历史上的第一次.

First-Team All-AMCC Selections

Casey Hess, No. 1 singles: Hess compiled a 10-4 overall record in No. 1 singles matches this season, 包括以4胜1负的战绩击败AMCC的对手,并在对阵Mount Aloysius学院的比赛中获胜, Penn State Behrend, and Pitt-Greensburg twice. 本赛季,他在雄狮队的总单打胜数(11场)中排名第三,在AMCC单打胜数(5场)中并列第二。.

Andrew Chronister, No. 2 singles: Chronister went 14-1 overall in No. 2 singles play, 包括在对阵AMCC的比赛中取得4胜1负的战绩, including wins over Mount Aloysius, Penn State Behrend, and Pitt-Greensburg twice. 他在总单打胜数(15场)上领先十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校,在AMCC单打胜数(5场)上并列第二。.

Nick Beard, No. 3 singles: Beard played all of his singles matches in the No. 3 position this season, 在那里他取得了12胜3负的成绩,成为十大网投平台信誉排行榜单打总胜数第二多的选手. 他也是本赛季唯一一位赢得所有六场AMCC单打比赛的狮子队球员, 以6胜0负的完美战绩横扫对手皮特-格林斯堡队, Mount Aloysius, and Penn State Behrend.

Kadyn Carey, No. 4 singles: Carey compiled a 6-3 overall record in No. 本赛季4场单打比赛,包括对阵AMCC对手的5胜0负. 他两次击败了来自联盟学校皮特-格林斯堡的对手, Mount Aloysius twice, and Penn State Behrend once, tying for the second-most AMCC singles wins (5) on his team.

Nick Beard/Kadyn Carey, No. 2 doubles: 比尔德和凯里共同创造了10胜4负的总战绩. 2 doubles matches, including a 4-1 mark in the AMCC. 这对搭档两次战胜皮特-格林斯堡队和阿洛伊修斯山队, 追平了本赛季雄狮队双打最多的记录(4次).

Wilhelm Grot/Emmett Hibbs, No. 3 doubles: Grot and Hibbs went 7-5 together overall this season in the No. 3个双打位置,包括对AMCC球队取得3胜1负的成绩. The duo defeated conference opponents from Pitt-Greensburg, Mount Aloysius, 和十大网投平台信誉排行榜贝伦德,并在他们的球队中获得了第二多的AMCC双打胜利(3场).

Second-Team All-AMCC Selections

Emmett Hibbs, No. 5 singles: Hibbs posted a 6-2 overall record when playing in the No. 5 singles position, 包括在AMCC以4胜1负的战绩,在他的队伍中获得了第三多的单打胜利(4场). 希布斯在联盟中横扫了来自阿洛伊修斯山和皮特-格林斯堡的对手,赢得了他的四场胜利. 他在三个不同的位置上赢得了9场单打冠军.

Jackson Newell, No. 6 singles: Newell went 5-4 overall in No. 本赛季6场单打比赛,其中包括4胜1负的AMCC对手. His four AMCC singles wins at No. 6 came against Pitt-Greensburg twice and Mount Aloysius twice. Overall while splitting time between the No. 5 and 6 singles positions, Newell totaled 10 overall singles wins, the fourth-most on his team, and five AMCC singles wins, tied for second-most.

Casey Hess/Andrew Chronister, No. 1 doubles: 赫斯和克里弗斯特一起参加了他们所有的双打比赛. 在那里,他们创造了13胜2负的总战绩,其中包括4胜1负的AMCC成绩. 这对双打组合获得了最多的总胜(13场),并列雄狮双打组合中AMCC胜(4场)最多的组合. 赫斯和克罗尼斯特两次战胜皮特-格林斯堡,两次战胜阿洛伊修斯山.
